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- 205
- 2426Y00F07titania24Y00J1Y00C1N`In Pale'
- 2417Y00F08ganymede24N
- 2406Y00C5NA Gothic Hyperphysco
- 1513Y00F04ruby15N
- 1506Y00C3Nby Jude/Panda
- 1213Y00F04ruby12N
- 1206Y00C1NPart One
- 0919Y00F05prime09Y00C5NA Bit Of A Spat
- 0824Y00F05pearl08Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NColin David Cockney, Grand High Wizard of the church was no ordinary feller.
- 0801NHis lopsided smile gave no hint of his true nature of business. His
- 0801Noversized palms were just a little to conviniant. His bust unnaturaly
- 0801Nwholesome and packed with readily goodness for a man of stature. And then
- 0801Nthe limp, who could forget his limp he had in his gay left wrist. This was
- 0801Nwithout no undoubtably a man of cloth. In front of Colin, Vicar Colin,
- 0801NColin a Vicar - The Vicar NOLESS - lay a brown enveloped which was slowly
- 0801Ngoing brown in the sunlight. Inside the eloped lied lots of monkey. The
- 0801Npeople of the parish had been generous with their monkees in this mornings
- 0801Ncollection. Perhaps today would be the day that Col could rush out and buy
- 0801Nhimself a fresh new roof, with fascinating vinyl supporting struts and lots
- 0801Nof embeleshed bosses, embeleshed with religously painted religious images of
- 0801Nthe limp well-hung, naked body of Christ, trussed up on his crucifixed. A
- 0801Nnew roof would be great. Just what the old chapel needed. Perhaps he pop
- 0801Nout of his trousers at lunchtime and partake in a new one from the shops. If
- 0801N he fancied a bit.
- 0801N
- 0801NHere's my old friend Peters Said on the step, thought Colin to himself whilst
- 0801Nhe observed Peters Said on the step. Peters did not repliey to the thoughts
- 0801Nof his trusted a-quaint-ponce but instead licked his lips envitingly at the
- 0801Nthought:
- 0801N `A fresh Roasted Jointed for Vinnear with parsley and sage and colinder and
- 0801Nmint and Basil' [his life-in-lover]
- 0801N
- 0801NYou see Peters taught a whole school the engish. Peters could taught and
- 0801Ntaught until he would have become blue in the feacies. Today was the ep's
- 0801Nsection as it would be Colin whom would be the teaching doing. But first
- 0801Nthings before first things, first; the collection money needed ataining too.
- 0801NThe priest preeceded to process the proceeds before proceeding to teach the
- 0801Nteacher to preach like a preacher. Very good. Nice trial, but not good
- 0801Nenough.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NLliyndes Lee-Hall was an abjective girl in her belate teens with whom it is
- 0801Ndifficult to ascribe too. Her function in life was necessary, but not
- 0801Nneeded. Her face was like a well-lathered Turk in one of the cities many
- 0801Nbathing houses: scrubbed, refreashered and not insubstantial. She had the
- 0801Nkinda lips you just wanted to buckle up like a tasseled pair of easy shoes.
- 0801NThe little lady knew the score and perhaps today would be the day she would,
- 0801Nif Mr(s) Right came. When Mr Right did come she was sure she be the second
- 0801Nto realize. Her head was in a dale her mind all screwed-up and she wanted to
- 0801Nunwind herself. Damn it. She'd met many a sailorboy in her badly travelled
- 0801Nshoes. Perhaps the dry-cleaners could get the travelling out of them. It
- 0801Nwas at times like these she'd think of her brother and his fresh breath on
- 0801Nher slimey stomach. I wonder what he'd be up to now. Who he'd be up to
- 0801Nwith. Why he was up there at all. She remember those words her brother had
- 0801Nspoken she had said
- 0801N"OW ! Yes, YES!, just th-e-e-e-eere honey" she said, said Lliyndes Lee-Hall
- 0801Nand her brother, Peters Said said
- 0801N"What just hereeee... oh yeah I getcha sister!" he replied until he was over
- 0801Nexcited. She wished he wouldn't go call-inner 'sister' it was oh so
- 0801Ncolloqueal.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NLeesa Smiff loved her boyfriend's dear. She liked to pet the boy and play
- 0801Nwith his ankles until he screamed for mercy and then it was his turn to be
- 0801Nit. He always cheated with his `One, Twos and three's all in', but Leesa
- 0801Ndidn't mind provided she was up the ladder, rather than going down on the big
- 0801Nred snake right to the bottom. She enjoyed it and Drew Hardgreevsie, her
- 0801Nboyfriend would laugh.
- 0801N
- 0801NDrew thought he'd gone and got a blender of a goal with this prize filett.
- 0801NLeesa was a charming mare and he loved to coil her tasseled mains supply of
- 0801Nsyrupy heard around his double-joinered fingered whilst whispering up
- 0801Nnothings sweet in her ear-ole. They would stare passivenately inside the
- 0801Neyeballs of the other one of them and watch the world revolving, reflectinged
- 0801Nin the white, veiny area of their I Q balls. Drew's eyes were, thought
- 0801NLeesa, like fresh Mini Bobells with astigmatism if you squinted at an angle.
- 0801NOh she did love his body; his smooth triceps and biceps and forceps and
- 0801Nforeshortening. His fluids, as thick and tasty in a sandwich scenario, as
- 0801NDaireylee. His buttocks, far nicer than just any old corpse. Sure he'd had
- 0801Nthat Elephantitas thing with his feet, but they'd been succesfully amputated
- 0801Nalong with the rest of his arms and legs and apart from a few scars you'd
- 0801Nnever have noticed he was a spazo. I'm just the luckiest girl alive she
- 0801Nthought. Drew held her tights, between his neck and chin and not his
- 0801Ndeformed stumpy things - obviously. One day Drew would clap again.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NPeters Said was on his own apart from the class he was busy teaching. But
- 0801Nmeterlogicaly he was very alone like a HeeBeeGee without his castrated
- 0801Nbrothers a-sexual company. He looked up and down the isles and then decided
- 0801Nhe had enough of the Channel islands so instead he turned his intentions back
- 0801Ntowards class six. Class six always made him think of the words his dear
- 0801Nlost dadda had spoken forth on the eaves of little Peters's sixth birthday:
- 0801N"Sex at Six, Petey. Sex at Six... get that into your mind. It even looks
- 0801Nlike Six, doesn't it SEX. Get used to the idea because I'm a coming near you
- 0801Ntommorow."
- 0801N
- 0801NWhy couldn't he have had a normal child's hood like any other little pecker
- 0801Nin this class. A normal healthy youth like, say Shauned Alwite? or Krass
- 0801NWallnut or Drew HardGreevsie... well perhaps not Drew `human stick'
- 0801NHardgreaves, school sicko-freakoid pussbugerered, nannowanced toshedheaded
- 0801Npurpledingdonger slapped-lips pulse.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1223Y00F04ruby12Y00J1Y00C1NPart Two
- 0919Y00F05prime09Y00C5NThe Eye
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00J0N
- 0806Y00C1NMs Zola Astray's son was a handful and her husband a good two handfuls.
- 0801NZola, herself was not yer average stay at home, wipe the baby, facilitate the
- 0801Ncat, mow the 3 bedroom semi sorta chump. Zola licked a bit of excitement,
- 0801Nshe lived life on a constant high level, where just the move of her little
- 0801Nfore-finger might mean her certain downfall to obscurity. She watched that
- 0801Nlittle finger like a hawk, with her beady little eyes rotating 360 degrees in
- 0801Neither angle as if to sum up what she was against in terms of pray. She'd
- 0801Nstarted as just a little fishy in the big blew seaman, but now she'd become
- 0801Nquite a catch for the big boys who ran this world of ours in which we alas
- 0801Ndoth live. It wasn't easy being a private eye in this day and age. Things
- 0801Nwere just so much simplerer when she was a civil servant in the DEPT. She
- 0801Nwould file merrily all day long and countersign. How she laughed back on it
- 0801Nnow she was capable of being able to laugh. Sometimes the scars still showed
- 0801Naround her mouth - it had been a trickery operation of a bugger, getting that
- 0801Nrebuild done on her skins. Well now she could laugh. Well now she could
- 0801Nattempt to laugh. Well now. Ha, ha, ha, she thought to herself outload of
- 0801Nthe ha-ha's-ha. She thought of that time she had to fetch the Single
- 0801NRegeneration Budget portfolio for the Chair of the Housing Select Committe,
- 0801Nfacilitating her to bypass the usual channels by delaying current negotiating
- 0801Nover the more pressing City Challenge documents issue currently in chamber
- 0801Nand thereby holding that business over the ring fencing of areas of council
- 0801Nbudget relating to the re-activation of council house provision no longer
- 0801Npossible due to this and additional capping of budget, signifying the need to
- 0801Nre-direct fees and charges collection usage from the local amenities into the
- 0801NCouncil Tax subsiduary, thus diverting possible outrage over the inevitable
- 0801Nyear on year increase, particualy affecting those families in group A
- 0801Naccomadation, who already faced some of the toughest financial penalisation
- 0801Nin the country thanks to Whitehall dictum, the manipulation and
- 0801Nbastardisation of the civil service and the growing reliance on right wing
- 0801Npressure groups who were signalling the end as we know it of the role of
- 0801Ncouncil and indeed Officers like herself, who would surley soon find
- 0801Nthemselves contracted out like blue chip labour despite their white
- 0801Ncollar/managerial status, which whilst an inevitability was a blow to the
- 0801Njob ... of oral sex.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0806Y00J0N
- 0806Y00C1NLliyndes Lee-Hall had come to the clinic because something just didn't seem
- 0801Nto feel right. She smiled at the receptionist gracekelly and the
- 0801Nreceptionist in turn told her to take a seat and wait. Lliyndes took the
- 0801Nseat but she didn't feel she could get away with squeezing the wait in her
- 0801Nlittle black handtowel.As Lliyndes sat in the white walled waiting womb she
- 0801Nfelt all eyes were on her - get 'em off me! Lliyndes felt gradualy and
- 0801Ngradualyier less comfortable and a hollow feeling crept up inside her
- 0801Nentrails. Her innards felt like uneven, spasmodic even, inhabitants of a
- 0801Ndevilled whole. Perhaps reading Hello Magzine might withstrain her. IT DID
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801N`Quaint Danny, Single 34' was the message he chose to put in the paper.
- 0801NPerhaps finaly he'd be on the pullman tonight-tonite the time is right. They
- 0801Nwouldn't call him poor ol quaint Danny no more, no sir-ee he'd be Flash Danny
- 0801Nthe flash giza. This just had to work surely. He'd read the other lonely
- 0801Nhearts and new the routine. These guys didn't stand a chance against `Quaint
- 0801NDanny avalible for all you ladies out there. I'm a ladies man. Oh yeh Yeh
- 0801NYeh!' Pah! he thought scanning the raper for the other ads. He read a few
- 0801Nout to amuse himself:
- 0801N
- 0801NGay guy seekith similar gay guyz out there for good gay fun. Call Needle
- 0806Y37C3NAspestossed for a gay old ribtickle. Box 12
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1NOff-beat 29 impulsive professional (m) solicits female for pleasure. Lennox.
- 0806Y00C3NBox 13
- 0806Y00C1N
- 0801NTodays your lucky day me dears. It won't be nippy no longer now I'm's here,
- 0811Y63C3Y72C1Nme old cock spaniel. The names Hulian Herlees - get your cot. Box 14
- 0801N
- 0806Y37C3NI love millet - love me. Luv Cafe. Box 15
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0806Y00J0N
- 0806Y00C1NGently Allen Key, her Doctor lent forward in his chair.
- 0801N"Miss Lee-Hall I'm sorry to tell you", began the doctor before Llliynds
- 0801Njumped in (ta-da!) to correct him
- 0801N"Mrs Lee-Hall, doctor, Mrs"
- 0801N"Well In that case, Mrs Lee-Hall, I'm happy to tell you, you are impregnanted
- 0801Nwith child within your belly button."
- 0801N
- 0801NLliynds had always wanted a baby before, but not now. Why did it have to
- 0801Ncome now. She looked down into her own lap and she felt a tear begin to form
- 0801Nin the corner of her eye-level grill. She began to sob.
- 0801N"Whatevers wrong Mrs Lee-Hall... er Lliynds", asked the doctor who was rather
- 0801Ndisturbed by Lliynds innane mutterings and wet eye problem.
- 0801N"Doctor.. you don't understand... but then... how could you understand. It's
- 0801Nall a mess... a horrible.. horrible mess." Lliyndes quickly picked herself
- 0801Nup and ran out of the door. She found herself in the broomcups-board and
- 0801Nquickly ran out of the correct exit, anxious to get away from the reality of
- 0801Nwhat was happening to her.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0806Y00C4N
- 0820Y00F11microknight08NRead more of this novelia-cum-all over the place in part three....
- 0801NIt's just a load away!
- *!EOF